What the heck is Fifty Two And Tired all about?
That's a good question.
The short answer, I guess, is that it's basically about sharing my struggle with middle age, being over-worked, not having enough down time. It's trying to cope with suffering from depression and anxiety and ultimately my own ever dwindling mortality as I keep putting more years behind me than I have left ahead of me. It's dealing with not living the life I want to live.
Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the life I have had. It could have been much worse and I am grateful every day for what I do have.
The above rambling aside, here I will share:
BLOG: I will try and post blog posts when I can. These might be just random thoughts and feelings about myself or random experiences.
MEN'S HEALTH: I am absolutely NOT even remotely any kind of expert on men's health, however, I will try and share things here that I personally find interesting or useful. This may include articles, videos, products, etc. Feel free to send along suggested additions if you have them.
AFFILIATE MARKETING: I am going to start dabbling into the world of affiliate marketing in an attempt to figure out ways of making some extra passive income in my goals toward retirement or, if possible (gotta dream big,) financial freedom. As I research I'll share various related things here.
If none of this sounds interesting or appealing to you, no worries, keep on scrolling. If you're curious about any of what I share or a post helps you in any way, even if just as a bit of entertainment, then great, join me on my journey.